Sunday, March 16, 2008

We shall BEHOLD HIM !

We're more than halfway through our 40 day period of prayer and fasting. Have you lost your weight?

Not just your weight in kilos but your weight in sin and burdens and baggage which have been bugging you, for the longest time perhaps. Some of us have grown so accustomed to all these extra weight that we don't even feel it anymore. I pray you have experienced some measure of personal victory and success in overcoming and conquering self.

We've also read through more than half of the 150 chapters of Psalms - Well Done! Have you drawn closer to the Lord and found Him to be everything David declared Him to be? Our Refuge and Strength, Our Protector and Provider, the Mighty God and our Shepherd King?

For those whom the Spirit of the Lord has been given access, it's been a period of cleansing and deep heart searchings. This is the preparedness we need to enter into for Sanctification Week which crosses Good Friday and Easter Sunday (20-23 March). Let us come with willing hearts and expectant spirits to wait upon the Lord - for Him to deepen His purifying work in each of us, to lead us to the Revelation of the Cross and a Renewed Consecration of our hearts and lives to Him.

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory." ( Psalm 63:2 )

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