Sunday, March 09, 2008

In GOD Alone

"Now I know God calls me to DESIRE for Him and DEPEND on Him alone. But where do I start? How do I even begin to "fix" the condition of my heart?"

Let us ACKNOWLEDGE that it starts with God, that unless the Holy Spirit reveals to us the true condition of our hearts, helps us realize that we need Him, and puts in us a desire to draw near to Him, we cannot even progress. So cry out to God and put our confidence in the Holy Spirit's ability to transform us.

Let us ALLOW God to lead us on His path of transformation. Many times we refuse to follow the Lord's leading even into challenging situations because it's easier to stay in our comfort zones where our competency is sufficient to carry us. Unless we allow ourselves to be led to positions of need, we will not discover God's sufficiency and strength. So surrender and let God lead. Young people, let us die to ourselves and follow where the Holy Spirit leads.

"my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water." (Psalm 63:1B)

Let us ASPIRE towards God's standards and visions. We tend to set goals that are of the flesh and become satisfied with our own accomplishments. Yet it takes God's touch to light up our eyes to see the impossibilities and put in us a desire and hunger for the God-possibilities. This often happens in silence, in solitude and in prayer. Young people, allow God to excite you beyond your wildest dreams!

"I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory." (Psalm 63:2)

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