Sunday, June 24, 2007

Growing In Trust

Joseph’s story taught us not to give up on our dreams even when life isn’t working out the way we planned. He trusted “the Lord who was with him “. There’s a lovely saying that goes:-

God is too good to be unkind.
God is too wise to be confused.
When I cannot trace his Hand,
I can always trust His heart.

How is your trust in God?
Is it a Limited Trust - only for a time and season? Or a Partial Trust - only for emergencies and exigencies of the moment? Or a Revocable trust - to be withdrawn when your agenda is not served?

I pray we are able to trust the Lord “with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding ” (Proverbs 3: 5) We can trust God wholeheartedly simply because HE IS GOD - Faithful God (Deut 7:9) who keeps His covenant of love with us and delivers on every promise He makes (Ps 145:13) He’s not only the Dream Giver but the Dream Fulfiller!

Is this the God you trust?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy PAPA’s Day!

My father passed away sixteen years ago. Of all the memories I have of him, one little nice memory was calling him, “Papa”. Not “Dad” or “Daddy” but “Papa”. My father would have been described as a distant father by good parenting standards. But no matter how strained our relationship was, no matter how disconnected I felt from him or what my mood was, I always felt a connection with him when I call him “Papa “. I cannot be upset with him for long or carry negative feelings for him and call him “Papa” from my heart.

It was only recently that I started reflecting on the significance of this word. Maybe I was inspired from reading Larry Crabb’s book, “The PAPA Prayer “. It’s about relating to God as our Papa and being able to pray and talk to him on the basis of a relationship with him. It’s about attending to our picture of Him in our minds and purging ourselves of everything that blocks our coming to him as his child, before we start asking him for blessings for ourselves or for others.

As Father’s Day is celebrated this weekend, let us appreciate, first and foremost, our Heavenly Papa who first loved us (1 John 4:19) and who is the perfect Father for all of us. And let us give thanks for His precious gift to us in our fathers, in life and in faith.

Happy Papa’s Day!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Make Room In Your Heart For People

At the close of the YouthNet leader’s Re-Encounter last week, the word of the Lord to us drawn from 2 Cor 7:2 was to “make room in our hearts for people.” This is the crux of the 100k campaign. It is not another evangelistic campaign. It is not about numbers. It is about people. God’s heart is always about people. And if we want to grow anywhere close His heart, we have to say “yes” to people and make room for them in our busy overcrowded lives.

God is relational. He created human beings to relate to Him first and to relate to each other. Every person you will have the opportunity to bless during this campaign matters to God. God wants them to relate to Him, to find their way back to Him, where they belong as a child of God. Some may take a bit longer than others but what a wonderful opportunity for us to be able to leave footprints in their hearts to lead them home to Jesus.

Start praying for divine appointments to bless someone each day.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Together In The 100k Campaign

Today, Senior Pastor will be dedicating the “YouthNet 144”to set them apart as the trailblazers of the 5000 warriors for the 100K campaign. Everyone of them is committed to finding 12 other warriors to join them in this campaign. We have signed up together with them as we look forward to an exciting month, from the 8th July to the 8th August, of asking God for 5 persons a week whom we can pray a blessing for.

Signing up to be a 5000 warrior is both a personal decision as well as a corporate commitment. No one can force you to do what you don’t want to do. You have to decide to take this step of faith and see the reality of God in your life as He answers your prayers. This campaign is also a corporate call to stand together with the church and to move together in unity. An army can only be as strong as each warrior is strong on his own.

E Stanley Jones once said, “It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than to think yourself into a new way of acting. “

If you still have questions as to what this campaign is all about, do talk to your leaders about it.