Sunday, August 03, 2008

Next Generation Wanted: Dead or Alive!

Senior Pastor preached a hard message last Sunday. Not the typical comforting message about The Good Shepherd's TLC (tender loving care) for the sheep, but a message that calls for us “To Die, To Dare and To Decide” to have a shepherding heart - not just for your cell nor for your network, but for our nation.

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11 NIV)

How does a message about transforming nations affect the average young person, struggling to cope with his or her own little world of studies, exams, work and relationships?

If the response to the altar call were anything to go by, there's hope for the world - our world. We have a generation made up of not just the "average young person". We have a generation prepared to give up their small ambitions to see God's Big Dream fulfilled.

Where do we start? Right where you are, by doing what you're already doing, but with excellence, integrity and extravagant love and service. Be faithful
with the little you have. God's call is not a destination. It is a journey.

"Ministry is what you do to bring your life and your sphere of influence under kingdom rule." - Sunday Adelaja

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