Sunday, November 25, 2007

Israel Encounter

A team of 46 people, led by Ps Eugene and Ps Julie, leaves this weekend for our first YouthNet Israel Encounter. Ps Melvyn and Ps Linda will lead another team from their networks the following weekend. This trip to the holy land of Israel is an exciting and significant trip for all of us. It is a spiritual journey for believers as we touch the very places where our Lord walked, taught and spent His earthly life 2000 years ago. Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Dead Sea, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Our God is the Faithful God, who keeps His covenant of love with His people (Deut 7:9). He honours His promises and keeps His Word. Israel is evidence of God's faithfulness to His people. Israel is one big prophetic act of God and the destiny of this nation is interwoven with our Christian destiny.

Please pray with us that as we walk, pray and seek God during this trip, we will develop a greater appreciation and understanding of our Christian roots and heritage. We need the Spirit of revelation so that we will not miss what God wants us to see, hear or do.

We will be praying for you too, especially for the special celebration service next week with the extraordinary Nick Vujicic. Remember to invite your friends!

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