Sunday, July 15, 2007

Moving Out....Big Smile

Remember our codeword for this season of the I00K campaign?
Exciting testimonies are coming in as our warriors move out on the campaign trail. I hear of a number of you who are close to reaching the target of blessing 20! One young man has prayed for so many of his colleagues, word has gotten around and more are coming to him for prayer. What is common is to hear many share that they're doing something new for the first time in their life. Like plucking up enough courage to talk to a stranger or the person sitting next to you in the train, on the bus, in the foodcourt or in the queue. Many are blessing people they've never thought they'll get the chance to.
Just starting to think about others more than we think about ourselves is a good start. So many of us allow what we think we cannot do to dissuade us from doing what we can. We then end up doing..... nothing! You will remember what Ed Silvoso repeatedly said,
"If you want to see God do something new in your life, you've got to start doing what you've never done before. For if you continue to do what you've always done, then you will see what you've always seen."
Jia You ... Warriors!

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